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Is Paul McCartney dead?...

Did you know that Paul McCartney died in a car crash in November of 1966, was replaced by a look-alike carefully groomed in his musical style to match that of the deceased Beatle. Crazy you say? In the fall of 1969?shortly after the ...
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To mark the occasion I played a few segments of a 1979 radio documentary written by Beatle expert Joel bGasiler/b (sp?) and hosted by Dave Fox on my regular radio show on KALX. Since it got more phone calls than any piece of music I'd b.../b
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The Beatles Is Paul McCartney Dead? Rare Recording Rumor Hoax b.../b

Then in 1979 Beatle expert Joel bGasiler/b and Dave Fox produce an in depth radio show called. "Is Paul Dead? Turn me on dead man". Which brought the dead rumors back to life like no other time. The radio program was one hour long and it b.../b
źródło: BlogSearch
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